These guides are designed to help you get to Tycoon level without destroying the parks. These strategy guides cover all 18 scenarios. Our Guides follow a certain discernible pattern, but we will explain it so that you can best follow along. Now that the forums are gone, here is a legacy of how to play the game and win! Guide to the Scenario Guides So while not an Official guide to Rollercoaster Tycoon 3, this is the Unofficial Official Guide as much as we get. (Even having my name attached to one of the booth workers in Wild!) And my efforts there got me in to be a playtester for the expansions, Soaked and Wild. They were well received and soon became pinned at the Atari Forums. A way for you to win and get to the locked scenarios all the quicker. In frustration at the time, the later years of our first decade of the 21st century, I turned to writing new guides, presented I hoped in a way that all could understand. (La La Land is a classic example of this.) There were scenarios that you could play and follow to the letter of the Prima Guide and for whatever reason, your system, your not understanding, the bugs (and there were bugs) or the guide just wrong because the parameters that the programmers chose had changed from the time of the writing, meant you would fail. It had been written alongside the development of the game. When Rollercoaster TYCOON 3 was first released our only means of cribbing notes on how to beat the scenarios and get to the locked ones was the use of the very excellent Prima Guide.